MBA Dept Association


MEX – Management Education and Extended Learning

Learning Beyond Classrooms

In an effort to enhance the learning experience of students, the Department of Management Studies, is looking forward to develop departmental students association. The Departmental Association is named MEXManagement Education and Extended Learning, with an aim to make learning happen beyond classrooms. The intention is to foster environments in which a student-staff interaction can exist, and encourage student engagement in departmental communities of learning.

Key Highlights:

  • All the students are automatically enrolled into Departmental Association. No superate enrollment procedure exists.
  • The staff member will extend advisory role, and the decision making authority rests with the students/governing members of Departmental Association.
  • The office bearers of the Departmental Association will be a nominated members. The nomination committee consisting of Department Advisor for MEX, Class Teachers of All Sections and Two Nominees by The Head of The Deparment will nominate the student members of the association.
  • The nominated members will discharge their duties and responsibilities during their tenure, which is 1 Year.





The president is the essential student contact for the student association and the outer representative of the gathering who routinely collaborates with other student associations and college authorities. They are the contact between the student association and the advisor and other college or group contacts. The obligations for this position ought to be custom fitted as the student association considers important. The responsibilities of this position have a tendency to incorporate however are not restricted to: Supervising all student organization meetings

  • Overseeing the process of student organization event planning.
  • Solving the conflits of association members as well as students.

Maintaining a current list of residences, email addresses, student id numbers and phone numbers of the student association officers, advisor and members.

Faculty Advisor:

Each registered student association must have an active advisor selected from the staff or faculty of Department of Management Studies, SVCET.  The advisor is chosen and approved by the Head of the Department of Management Studies.

An advisor provides the association with continuity from year to year by sharing student association history and assisting during the transition process. The advisor selected should be an individual who has a high level interest in the activity of the student association and preferably some experience or expertise in the area or activity. The advisor is a vital link between the student association and the Department or college, providing guidance and offering mature judgment and experience in program development.

  • Serve as the primary link between the Department and student association in order to support the success of the Association activities.
  • Be a facilitator and a resource for student leaders in the interpretation of and compliance with Departmental Association policies & procedures.
  • Be a role model, demonstrating professional, ethical and positive behavior.
  • Quarterly review the student association governing documents and/or guiding policies to ensure accountability by the student association
  • Partner with student leaders planning and executing organization events & activities.
  • Ensures that the chapter treasurer is aware of the mechanics of financial record keeping and budgeting and is proactive in advising the chapter treasurer at the start of the year.
  • Holding a minimum of two meetings for the general membership per semester.
  • Submitting a semester and annual report of student organization activities.

Vice president

The Vice President should be the president’s “right hand person” and should maintain continuous contact with the president. The Vice President must be up-to-date on all student organization communication and events. The responsibilities of the vice president include but are not limited to:

  • Supervising student organization meetings in the absence of the president.
  • Assisting the president with the oversight of the student association including fundraising, event planning, etc.
  • Working with the student organization’s treasurer to prepare an quarterly or semi annual or annual budget
  • Maintaining a accounting information of the student  financial status including income and expenses.
  • Scheduling locations for meetings and events.
  • Coordinating student association fundraising efforts with the treasurer.


All student association are required to elect or appoint a treasurer to manage their financial matters. A student association that has a large membership and completes many fundraisers, events or programs should consider having an assistant treasurer to share the financial responsibilities. The treasurer should keep the officers and members informed about the student association financial activities. The responsibilities of the treasurer include but are not limited to:

  • Preparing and monitoring the quarterly student association budget.
  • Completing an quarterly financial report for the student association
  • Tending to the status of all purchase requests if anything requires.
  • Collecting funds and depositing to the student association account
  • Paying bills by coordinating with faculty advisors.
  • Keeping a record of all financial transactions.
  • Preparing monthly financial reports and documents to keep the student association membership informed about the student association financial situation.


The responsibilities of the student organization secretary include but are not limited to:

  • Taking minutes at every student organization meeting.
  • Maintaining the student association history for that academic year.
  • Verifying all student organization purchase requests.
  • Assisting with student association projects where needed.
  • Maintaining communication between the student organization president and individual participants (this may include emails, letters, and phone calls).


The members of the organization play a key role in all the activities of MEX. The nature of their work will be dependent on the requirements of the Organizing Committee, and will change from time to time.
