Information Technology Department Profile

Information Technology graduates are the pillars in the current and emerging information era. Opportunities include pursuing Master of Science programs in reputed Universities of U.S. and taking up research assignments in Hardware, System Software, Computer Engineering, Multi media, and Net Working and Communications areas.

Job opportunities are ever increasing, and are varied in nature. System Study, Analysis, Design and Programming are the inherent phases in application development, and each one of them provides enormous potential to the Computer Science and Engineering graduates to shape themselves in their career. Hi-end profiles include Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Graphic Solutions and Simulations.



“Enabling the undergraduates to develop logic and a problem solving approach and help build their careers in the innovative field of computing.”


The Computer Centre includes two laboratories, an Internet gateway, a Server Room, and a facility for scanning and printing spread across an area of 2,400 Sq.ft. The laboratories house 70 computer systems, connected to the campus-wide LAN. The laboratories are equipped with various software C, C++, Oracle, Visual Studio, Java and Case Tools.

Besides these labs, the students are also trained in advanced labs VLSI Design Centre, Embedded Systems Lab and the Networking Lab.

Courses Offered

Under Graduate
B.Tech Information Technology 120