CSE R & D Activities

 Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies
Sl.no. Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Duration of the project
1 Dr.Armstrong Joseph ECATALYST 12 months
2 Dr.B.Chandrasekar ECATALYST 12 months
3 Dr.P.Shanmuga Sundari Society for Innovation and Incubation Development 12 months
4 Mr.Thyagarajan Society for Innovation and Incubation Development 12 months
5 Dr.Hassan Hussian Society for Innovation and Incubation Development 12 months
6 Mrs.P.Jyotheeswari Society for Innovation and Incubation Development 12 months
Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies
Sl.no. Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Duration of the project
1 Dr.C.Anitha Society for Innovation and Incubation Development 12 months
2 Dr.B.Chandrasekar Society for Innovation and Incubation Development 12 months
3 Dr.P.Shanmuga Sundari Society for Innovation and Incubation Development 12 months
4 Dr.Armstrong Joseph Aditya Global Business Incubator 12 months

Funded Research Projects at SVCET...

S.No Name of the Investigator       Title of the project and duration Amount sanctioned 

(in Lakhs)

Funding Agency


1 Mrs.P.Jyotheeswari, Enabling geographically distributed cloud applications(2013-16) 22.70 DST-WOS-A Completed
2 Dr. J. Janet,              CSE Optimizing data movement in cloud computing(2014-17) 30.24 DST-YS Completed
 Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies
Sl.no. Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Duration of the project
1 Dr.T.Sunil Kumar Reddy Global Business Incubator 12 months
2 Dr. Sunanda Das Global Business Incubator 12 months
3 Dr.K.G.S.Venkatesan Global Business Incubator 12 months
4 Dr.K. Venkataramana Global Business Incubator 12 months
5 Dr.M. Sreenivasulu Global Business Incubator 12 months
6 Dr.Jayaraman Velmurugan Global Business Incubator 12 months
Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies
Sl.no. Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Duration of the project
1 Dr.Velmurugan HASSCOMM 12 months
2 Dr. N.V.Rajasekar Reddy HASSCOMM 12 months
3 Dr.D.Nagaraju HASSCOMM 12 months
4 Dr.Sunil Kumar Reddy ECATALYST 12 months
5 Dr.K.G.S. Venkatesan ECATALYST 12 months
6 Dr. K Delhi Babu Aditya Global Business Incubator 12 months
7 Dr.K.Venkataramana Aditya Global Business Incubator 12 months
Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies
Sl.no. Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Duration of the project
1 Mr.N. Vikram Global Business Incubator 12 months
2 Mr. Velmurugan Global Business Incubator 12 months
3 Mr. Thyagarajan Global Business Incubator 12 months
4 Mrs.P.Jyotheeswari Aditya Global Business Incubator 12 months
5 Mrs. A. S. Jyothsna Aditya Global Business Incubator 12 months
