CSE(AI&ML) Dept Profile

Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, is a leading technical Institution in India located at Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh. Department of Computer Science and Engineering(AI and ML) having academic autonomy of having its own syllabus and curriculum. It offers undergraduate in the department of CSE(AI&ML). The Department of CSE(AI&ML) started with an initial intake of 60 students in UG Program in CSE in the year 2020 and the intake is enhanced to 180 in the year 2021.

A four-year professional program leading to a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The curriculum places a strong emphasis on learning current computer systems knowledge and skills, as well as software development through experiential learning in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The program’s core and advanced courses emphasize project-based learning, industry-based internships, and classroom instruction with a student-centric approach to learning. In addition to the core computer science courses, the program offers courses in advanced technologies, robotics and automation, cognitive systems, machine learning, pattern recognition, intelligent systems, deep learning, and robotics.

B.Tech in CSE (AI&ML) offered by the Computer Science and Engineering Department provides fresh engineers with a emerging courses offered to frontiers in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI&ML) with a foundation in Computer Science and Engineering.

The primary goal of the B.Tech in CSE (AI & ML) engineering degree is the creation of intelligent technology that can replicate cognitive processes in order to precisely comprehend, forecast, analyze, and carry out the tasks at hand. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are two related fields in which the former allows machines to mimic human behavior while the latter helps machines understand patterns by using historical data. This area of engineering has already advanced across many platforms and industries, and it is mostly used to complete tasks quickly and effectively. The four-year, full-time curriculum exposes students to cutting-edge technology that can be used to develop solutions and applications for the modern world.

The Department is headed by Dr.M.Lavanya in CSE(AI&ML). She has more than eighteen years of teaching experience including research.  She has 25 research articles to her credit published in reputed National and International Journals and Conferences. Her area of expertise includes Data Mining, Web Mining, Machine Learning and Data Analytics. She has organized for technical events, Clubs and Hackathons. She has two patents published in the domain of Artificial Neural networks and published 4 patents.

Course Intake
B.Tech CSE (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) 180